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Lone Star Safe Rooms


Phone (817) 682-7854
Address 6801 Exchange Dr.,
Mansfield, TX 76063 United States


Lone Star Safe Rooms is the Texas leader in storm shelters, tornado shelters, and security safe rooms. We specialize in custom safe rooms. Turn any closet into a safe room with our custom, bolt together design. Lone Star Safe Rooms guarantees to be the lowest price on garage safe rooms in Texas. Each Lone Star Safe Room is custom measured to fit your exact application. No matter where you decide to place our safe room–in a closet, under the stairs or in the garage area–our safe rooms are built and installed with some of the most respected products in the industry such as Schlage, Simpson Strong-Tie and GE. Our factory-trained installers will complete your job with the knowledge and goal of keeping your home in excellent condition. Lone Star Safe Rooms are backed by a lifetime warranty. All steel wall and ceiling panels, door sets, barrell hinges, slide bolts and deadbolts are fully guaranteed against faulty workmanship for the lifetime of the unit. There will be no charge to the customer for labor or materials on any repair due to faulty workmanship during the life of the unit. We are proud to be members of the National Association of Homebuilders and the Texas Association of Builders. Ask about our Low Price Guarantee.

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